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How to use and send text message (SMS) Templates

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes



Task Step(s) and / or Screenshot
1 Login to the NN CloudPBX Web Client
2 Select the Chat Option from the left-hand menu to open Chats
3 Select the ' + ' symbol at the top-left corner to open the Chat Dropdown menu, and select 'Send SMS'.
4 Select a previous chat, or start a new chat.
4 Select the SMS Template button at the bottom right corner, next to where you will type a new message
5 Select the template to add to your SMS message, and press enter to send after choosing your template.


If you Receive a warning that the Number specified has Active Conversation




Task Step(s) and / or Screenshot
1 If you receive a warning "The Number you specified has active conversation with another Extension"
2 Mark the conversation as 'Dealt With' in the top-right corner of the conversation window
3 In all conversations, you can also right-click the conversation and mark it as "Archive"


How to use and send text message (SMS) Templates

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