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How to Prevent Windows 10 Upgrade

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

Microsoft Windows 10 Update has been deployed to many systems. To prevent your system from installing this update follow these simple instructions to prevent and or remove the update from your computer.

  1. Select Start
  2. Select Control Panel
  3. Select Programs and Features
  4. Select View Installed Updates (Left hand side of window in the Blue area)
  5. Uninstall the following KB updates KB3035583, KB2952664, KB2976978, KB3021917, KB3044374, KB2990214
  6. Reboot your PC
  7. Go to Control Panel
  8. Select Updates
  9. Select Check now
  10. Find KB3035583 Right Click and Select Hide
  11. Select Start
  12. Type in Regedit
  13. Press Enter
  14. Navigate to

          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SOFTWARE> Microsoft> Windows> CurrentVersion> WindowsUpdate> OSUpgrade

           Look for the KEY  : AllowOSUpgrade

  1. Edit this value from a 1 to a 0 (1=on, 0=off)
  2. Close the registry
  3. Reboot PC
How to Prevent Windows 10 Upgrade

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