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SYSVOL and NetLogon share don’t exist on Domain Controller

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A server won’t advertise itself as a Domain Controller on the network until these folders are shared out which Active Directory will do automatically if everything is okay.

If you check the EventLogs for the File Replication Service you will see an error with event id 13568.
To fix it, first make sure there are no replication issues with the other DC’s in the network by running these commands:

"repadmin /syncall /APeqd"

"repadmin /replsum"

If everything looks good, then move on to the next steps.

A) if none of the DC’s have a SYSVOL or NetLogon share, look at all of the DC’s under c:\windows\sysvol to see if the files are there.  On the DC that has the files, run these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt and run "net stop ntfts"
  2. Open the registry and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Cumulative Replica Sets\d28b09ec-b54f-4260-b611a35c0347a839"
  3. Edit BurFlags and set it to hex value "D4".  By setting it to "D4" it will tell Active Directory to do an authoritative restore.
  4. Open a command prompt and run "net start ntfts"
  5. It might take a minute or two to fix itself.  Randomly check the event logs for event id 13516; that’s when you will know it’s fixed.  The SYSVOL and NetLogon share should now exist on the DC.

B) If only one of the DC’s is having a problem, you can do a non-authoritative restore on just this DC.

  1. Open a command prompt and run "net stop ntfts"
  2. Open the registry and go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Cumulative Replica Sets\d28b09ec-b54f-4260-b611a35c0347a839"
  3. Edit BurFlags and set it to hex value "D2".  By setting it to "D2" it will tell Active Directory to do a non-authoritative restore.
  4. Open a command prompt and run "net start ntfts"
  5. It might take a minute or two to fix itself.  Randomly check the event logs for event id 13516; that’s when you will know it’s fixed.  The SYSVOL and NetLogon share should now exist on the DC.  This DC has to copy all of the files in these folders from a good DC so it could take some time to copy.  To see if it’s copying, you can browse to c:\windows\sysvol and see if it’s created the files & folders.
SYSVOL and NetLogon share don’t exist on Domain Controller

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