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How to upload IOS via XModem on a Cisco Switch

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

If you have a Cisco switch that has a corrupted IOS, you can upload a new version via XModem.  Here are the steps.

  1. Download something like HyperTerminal that support sending files via XModem
  2. Connect to the console port of the switch using the Cisco console cable and set your baud rate to 9600
  3. Optional: you may want to "format flash:" to make sure you have enough free space.  Note, this will delete your startup-config and any vlan’s you have configured
  4. Type in "BAUD=115200"
  5. Disconnect your console session and reconnect with with a baud rate of 115200
    1. Note: some USB to serial adapters have problems with this.  If 115200 doesn’t work, try 57600
  6. type in "copy xmodem:{Cisco IOS .bin file} flash:{Cisco IOS .bin file}"
    1. Example: "copy xmodem:c3750e-universalk9-mz.152-4.E2.bin flash:c3750e-universalk9-mz.152-4.E2.bin"
  7. In your terminal software (HyperTerminal) start sending the file via XModem
  8. After the upload is done, type in: "BAUD=9600"
  9. Disconnect your console session and reconnect with with a baud rate of 9600
  10. Type in "reboot"


This should boot the switch into IOS.

How to upload IOS via XModem on a Cisco Switch

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