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Out Of Office Notification in Outlook

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Out Of Office Notification in Outlook
User on the hosted network wants to setup an auto responder for their "Out of Office" Notification.
Clarification: Outlook does have the capabilities of having an auto responder set, but, for that to work the computer must always stay on. This does not work for the hosted network, whereas the user has to logout, therefore, closing Outlook.
• The only way to setup an Auto Notifier is through the Webmail system. To do this, log into your Webmail.
• On the right, you will see a button titled "Preferences." Click on that, then the options page loads.
• From there, click on Auto Responder. Change the message to your liking and check the box "enabled."
• Click "Save."
Now your auto responder is activated!
Out Of Office Notification in Outlook

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